Claims Services

  • Xactimate Only Service

    We will build out a comprehensive Xactimate to file with the insurance company, using your pictures and measurements. Eagleviews or Hovers are available at an additional cost.

  • Supplemental Claim Service

    We will pick up a claim that has already been started and work to maximize what we can get covered. This service will include us negotiating and working with the adjuster to ensure proper coverage.

  • Full Claim Service

    We will work with your contractor and you through the entire claim. We will assist by filing the claim, scheduling the initial adjusters’ inspection, work with the adjuster and you to ensure everything that needs to be done is done. This is the most convenient way for you as a consumer to ensure that you do not have to deal with the complexities of the claims process.

About Us

We started Accurate Insurance Consulting to help people deal with navigating the complexities of the claims process. After years of seeing how difficult these claims can be for people, we decided to take our experience and make it available to you. Whether you’re an experienced contractor or a homeowner struggling with a recent claim, we are here to help.